Is this the last climate call?

The current world economic model creates inequalities between societies, generates too much waste, drains the planet from its resources and threatens the well being of the entire planet. Recent study by the United Nations states that we are not far away from a point of no return. It states that in 12 years from now, we might face a total collapse. I have my reservations on this study however human activity is definitely effecting the planet. Look at the amount of plastics we have in our oceans. Look at the increasing number of species that are at risk of extinction.

Ten years ago the United Nations also launched the Green Economy Initiative with the main objective to create a sustainable future. I look at such initiatives and other political moves as financial chess games where the Big Brother plays around to shift economic power around to the benefit of the few. I am only interested in what we the citizens can do. We all have seen dramatic images of large plastic islands floating on our oceans. Dead marine life. Bleached Coral Reefs. Is this all due only to the excess emissions of Carbon Dioxide? No.

As a responsible citizen, shall I wait for my government to take green initiatives? Although the government is responsible to create the green infrastructure, policies and enforcement, the ultimate responsibility falls on each and every citizen. Societies are either engulfed in their greed to make more money or else are trapped in poverty with very little hope of a better future,

Other important issues are currently alienating people from the environmental threat. In Europe we see street protests regarding immigration, far-right uprising, gender equality, tax reform, Brexit and many more issues. Each continent has its own challenges but they all have a common challenge; that of educating the citizens that we need to take better care of our environment. The ocean is not a dump site. Since we humans live on solid ground, the sea is not at our immediate sight especially what happens under water. We tend to forget how important are our oceans.

Therefore irrespective what the UN Report claims, it is up to us citizens who need to take our daily actions to safeguard our habitat. I have high hopes in humanity and we will make a difference. Multiple small daily individual actions will make the change. A change in our behavior. A change for a better world for our children. Do you want your children to only enjoy animal species on books and internet since they’ll be extinct by then or would you like to take take them for a holiday and enjoy whale watching or else scuba dive and admire the beauty of ocean corals?

Do your share. If not for you, do it for your children and other future generations.